May 21, 2021

Waxing your car | Drive Direct in Columbus, OHYour car is likely one of your most important investments, so it’s essential to take care of it. Keeping your car’s exterior in good condition is a year-round job since it is exposed to elements during every season. Whether it’s snow and ice, wind, or the harsh sun, it all takes a toll on your car. Here are some tips for how to care for your car’s exterior.

Wash It

One of the most basic tips for taking care of your car is to clean it. Wash it regularly and often to remove debris that can harm the paint. Regular washing will also reduce the chances of rusting. If you wash it at home, find a shady spot or do it in the early morning, or wait until evening when the sun isn’t high in the sky. Fill two buckets with water. Add a cleaner to one and keep the other filled with clean water for rinsing. If you prefer to take it to a car wash, find a high-quality one and make sure it removes all the dust and dirt from the paint and the undercarriage.

Dry your car after washing it. Find a soft cloth and run it over the entire exterior of the car. If you skip this step, the paint can develop mineral spots that will stain the paint when the sun beats down on it.

Always Use Cleaners Designed for Autos

Never use household cleaners on your vehicle. Take the time to go to the store and purchase a quality cleaner designed for autos. Household cleaners can scratch and damage the paint. It is also important to use a soft cloth or sponge to clean it. A terry or microfiber cloth will always do the trick.

Wax It

Wax is an important part of keeping your car looking good, and it also protects the paint. A coat of wax creates a barrier between the paint and all the outdoor elements, such as the sun and harsh weather. You don’t have to wax every time you wash your car, but you should apply a coat several times a year. You can do it yourself or bring it to a car wash that offers quick wax application.

Keep It Out of the Sun

The sun’s rays harm a vehicle’s exterior paint. Do your best to keep your vehicle protected from the heat and the sun as much as possible. This might mean parking in the shade when you can find a spot, keeping it in a garage, or even getting a car cover. A good cover will protect the vehicle from harmful UV rays, which will cause the paint to fade. Keeping your car covered will also protect it from other elements such as sap dripping from trees, falling debris during a storm, and bird droppings.

It only takes a short time to wash your car, but it makes a big difference. Keeping it clean and protected with a layer of wax will help it last longer and look good for many years.

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